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Updated for 2024! In honor of National Pet Day, we’ve renewed our Favorite Fur Babies post. We won’t describe our animals in the normal sense (e.g., they love ruining furniture, can only eat hypoallergenic food, and jump on visitors). Instead, we’ll describe them based on the television characters they would play if they were humans. Read on to learn about our star-studded cast of favorite fur babies.
Otto is a lot like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh. He’s small, cute, timid, innocent, and at times, anxious. But, he has a big heart and tries to be brave to protect his family and friends, especially from the scary chipmunks in our yard that tease him daily. He’s also a little like Joey Tribiani from Friends…goofy, loyal, and loves food and the ladies.
Oblina is a cat and therefore only engages in activities that interest her: lap-sitting, box-napping, and potted-meat-eating. She is prone to the zoomies on occasion.
We couldn’t decide if she was more Creed Bratton, Stanley Hudson, or April Ludgate. She’s basically all the surly, lazy, hungry, weirdos on TV. And she sometimes sleeps under the couch.
These gals are polar opposites. Peggy is 75% cat, 15% grumpy old man, 5% Falkor, and 5% dog. Winnie is a tiny, three legged wild child who is either sprinting around the house like a maniac or asleep (there is no middle ground) and always trying to snuggle as close to you as humanly possible.
Peggy is a combination of Ron Swanson and April Ludgate from Parks and Rec. She is very skeptical, likes her alone time, trying to never do anything productive, but when you’re on her good side she loves you..in her own unique way.
Winnie has the enthusiasm and high energy of Leslie Knope, and the simple loving ways of Andy. She’s a lovable, messy, playful little weirdo and is always by your side to bring your spirits up.
Charlie is my cat that I “accidentally” brought home from college (sorry, mom) thanks to a woman that worked at the James Madison University print shop. She’s basically terrified of the world, even though she WAS a feral kitten, but at the same time loves to cuddle, play fetch, and is always meowing.
I would probably describe her as being much like Chuckie Finster from the Rugrats. She’s awkward, scared to eat alone, but always loyal and super sweet to me. She tends to fly under the radar and just follow me around on my adventures, so I guess this makes me Tommy?
While Lola is no longer with us, this pairing was one of the best we had in the Huwe household! Lola was the sweetest goldendoodle with way too much energy and Baxter is a 13(ish)-year-old beagle-dachshund-blue tick rescue, with little T-Rex arms and eyes that look in two different directions, hence the nickname. These two could always be found cuddling up in a chair together, keeping each other warm, no matter the season! And now that Lola’s gone, Baxter has two little humans in the house to keep him active in his old age.